COPD affects nearly 16 million Americans and is a leading cause of death worldwide. Read on to learn more about the condition and how to manage symptoms.
What is COPD?
COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It’s a serious lung condition that causes your airways to be partly blocked. This makes your heart work harder and makes it difficult to get air in and out of your lungs.
When it’s hard to breathe, it’s hard to work, socialize and take care of yourself. So COPD can have a big impact on daily life.
What causes it?
Cigarette smoking is the No. 1 cause of COPD. And the more years and packs you smoke, the greater your risk. This is because tobacco smoke irritates the lungs and makes them more prone to infection.
COPD can also be caused by:
- Smoking pipes and cigars
- Secondhand smoke
- Chemical fumes, vapors and dusts found in certain workplaces
Is there a cure?
The best way to manage COPD is to eliminate the original cause of disease. For some people, that means trying to quit smoking. For others, it could mean wearing protective equipment at work to avoid chemical fumes and industrial dust. The main goal is to protect your lungs from irritants.

Talk to your doctor about managing COPD flare-ups. These are times when symptoms suddenly get much worse, and you may need to take special steps to feel better. Your doctor can also help you identify causes of your flare-ups, called “triggers,” so you can avoid them in the future.
How can you live well with COPD?
Stay on top of preventive care. Protect yourself with a yearly flu shot and ask your doctor about the pneumonia vaccine. Both illnesses are more common—and more serious—in people with COPD.
It’s hard to stay active with COPD, but regular exercise can strengthen your lungs and help your body use oxygen better. Ask your doctor about safe exercises for you. Also ask about changing your diet. The right mix of nutrients may help you breathe easier.